Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package (141 ms)
Package | |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Status | draft |
Date | 2022-10-17T09:09:13.9562003+00:00 |
Name | HdBeMedicalDevice |
Title | HdBe-MedicalDevice |
Experimental | False |
Description | Medical devices are any internally implanted and external devices and/or aids used by the patient (in the past) to reduce the effects of functional limitations in organ systems or to facilitate the treatment of a disease. |
Copyright | Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise. |
Type | DeviceUseStatement |
Kind | resource |
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
"id" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"url" : "",
"name" : "HdBeMedicalDevice",
"title" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"status" : "draft",
"date" : "2022-10-17T09:09:13.9562003+00:00",
"publisher" : " (Sciensano)",
"contact" : [
"name" : "Service portal â",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : "",
"use" : "work"
"description" : "Medical devices are any internally implanted and external devices and/or aids used by the patient (in the past) to reduce the effects of functional limitations in organ systems or to facilitate the treatment of a disease.",
"copyright" : "Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise.",
"fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib MedicalDevice-v3.3.1(2020EN)"
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib Procedure-v5.2(2020EN)"
"identity" : "zib-functionalormentalstatus-v3.2-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib FunctionalOrMentalStatus-v3.2(2020EN)"
"identity" : "zib-mobility-v3.3-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib Mobility-v3.3(2020EN)"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "HdBe logical model MedicalDevice"
"identity" : "HdBe-Procedure",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "HdBe logical model Procedure"
"identity" : "HdBe-FunctionalOrMentalStatus",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "HdBe logical model FunctionalOrMentalStatus"
"identity" : "HdBe-Mobility",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "HdBe logical model Mobility"
"kind" : "resource",
"abstract" : false,
"type" : "DeviceUseStatement",
"baseDefinition" : "",
"derivation" : "constraint",
"differential" : {
"element" : [
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement",
"short" : "MedicalDevice",
"alias" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.1",
"comment" : "MedicalDevice"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension:healthProfessional",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension",
"sliceName" : "healthProfessional",
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension",
"profile" : [
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension:healthProfessional.value[x]",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension.value[x]",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.HealthProfessional"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension:location",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension",
"sliceName" : "location",
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension",
"profile" : [
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension:location.value[x]",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.extension.value[x]",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.Location"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.status",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.status",
"comment" : "This element is implictly mapped to the CBB concepts start_date and end_date. Unless the status is explicitly recorded, the following guidance applies:\r\n\r\n* When start_date is in the future, `.status` will usually be set to _intended_.\r\n* When start_date is in the past and end_date has a value and in the future or end_date has no value, `.status` will usually be set to _active_.\r\n* When end_date has a value and is in the past, `.status` will usually be set to _completed_.",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.11",
"comment" : "StartDate (implicit, main mapping is on DeviceUseStatement.timingPeriod.start)"
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.14",
"comment" : "EndDate (implicit, main mapping is on DeviceUseStatement.timingPeriod.end)"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.StartDate",
"comment" : "implicit, main mapping is on DeviceUseStatement.timingPeriod.start"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.EndDate",
"comment" : "implicit, main mapping is on DeviceUseStatement.timingPeriod.end"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.subject",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.subject",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.derivedFrom",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.derivedFrom",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "profile",
"path" : "resolve()"
"rules" : "open"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.derivedFrom:procedure-request",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.derivedFrom",
"sliceName" : "procedure-request",
"short" : "Procedure",
"definition" : "The procedure which has the purpose if placing this product in or on the body.",
"comment" : "Please note that on a functional level, CBB Procedure references CBB MedicalDevice, but in FHIR this direction is reversed.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.7",
"comment" : "Reversed reference for zib Procedure.MedicalDevice"
"identity" : "HdBe-Procedure",
"map" : "MedicalDevice",
"comment" : "Reversed reference for CBB Procedure.medical_device"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.derivedFrom:procedure-event",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.derivedFrom",
"sliceName" : "procedure-event",
"short" : "Procedure",
"definition" : "The procedure which has the purpose of placing this product in or on the body.",
"comment" : "Please note that on a functional level, CBB Procedure references CBB MedicalDevice, but in FHIR this direction is reversed.",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.7"
"identity" : "HdBe-Procedure",
"map" : "MedicalDevice",
"comment" : "Reversed reference for CBB Procedure.medical_device"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x]",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x]",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "type",
"path" : "$this"
"rules" : "open"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x]:timingPeriod",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x]",
"sliceName" : "timingPeriod",
"type" : [
"code" : "Period"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x]:timingPeriod.start",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x].start",
"short" : "StartDate",
"definition" : "The start date of the first use or implant of the medical device. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted.",
"alias" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.11",
"comment" : "StartDate"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.StartDate"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x]:timingPeriod.end",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.timing[x].end",
"short" : "EndDate",
"definition" : "The end date of the last use or explant of the medical device. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted.",
"alias" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.14",
"comment" : "EndDate"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.EndDate"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.device",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.device",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.reasonReference",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.reasonReference",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "profile",
"path" : "resolve()"
"rules" : "open"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.reasonReference:indication",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.reasonReference",
"sliceName" : "indication",
"short" : "Indication",
"definition" : "The medical reason for use of the medical device.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.7",
"comment" : "Indication"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.Indication"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.reasonReference:functionalOrMentalStatus",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.reasonReference",
"sliceName" : "functionalOrMentalStatus",
"short" : "FunctionalOrMentalStatus",
"definition" : "The association between a CBB MedicalDevice and another zib or other functional model.",
"comment" : "There are several CBBs that reference CBB MedicalDevice on a functional level, but for which the direction of the reference in FHIR is reversed. Consult the mappings on this element for an overview of which zib concepts are mapped to this element. \r\n\r\nNote that some CBBs have a reference to MedicalDevice that is further constrained (e.g. with additional constraints on ProductType or AnatomicalLocation), such as HearingFunction and VisualFunction. For these CBBs separate DeviceUseStatement profiles have been created (based on this profile) which also include a specific slice on which their respective MedicalDevice concept mapping is present.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-functionalormentalstatus-v3.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:4.26.5",
"comment" : "Reversed reference for zib FunctionalOrMentalStatus.MedicalDevice"
"identity" : "HdBe-FunctionalOrMentalStatus",
"map" : "MedicalDevice",
"comment" : "Reversed reference for CBB FunctionalOrMentalStatus.medical_device"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.bodySite",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.bodySite",
"short" : "Location / AnatomicalLocation",
"definition" : "Patientâs anatomical location of the medical device used.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "CodeableConcept",
"profile" : [
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.15",
"comment" : "AnatomicalLocation"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.AnatomicalLocation"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.note",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.note",
"max" : "1"
"id" : "DeviceUseStatement.note.text",
"path" : "DeviceUseStatement.note.text",
"short" : "Comment",
"definition" : "Comment about use or information on the medical device used.",
"alias" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.10",
"comment" : "Comment"
"identity" : "HdBe-MedicalDevice",
"map" : "MedicalDevice.Comment"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.